CTV 1950k Norse
Shambling Undead CTV 1960k
#8 Eric, Columbus Clobber Avatar – Smashed Knee (NI)
#14 Notok, Gloves of Metal Avatar – Dead (RIP)
#14 Frank Horrigan – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#14 Frank Horrigan – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
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the Second...a crowd pleaser...
And this...the headliner!
The Hellbound Charioteers go suicide upon the Clint Eastwood Roles pitting death's hand vs scythe'd wheel!
Hail to the Gloves of Metal! From Hell ye came, and to Hell ye ride in flames! Soul belongs to the demon's whip...and body to the Roles! Let fire burn in thy still heart...and slay all in the name of truebloodbowl!
And to Biondi, who sacks the undead and scores the final TD! With you, we keep our fanbase! Drink tonight from the sacred Brass Cup of the Fallen! in honor of the heroes gone past, we salute you!
Meechie Herman is inspired by the carnage and upgrades to tackle! Ready thy weapons of war! Charge!
Another charioteer has fallen, another is formed! Witness upon this day, the birthing of the Sting of the Bumblebee! Shred flesh and die hard!