“This was always going to be a tough match for the archfiends, with one of their "awsome foursome" mummys, The slayer of souls, out for the match. Their task was made harder by the excellent blocking of Monster Skank, whose armoured pus covered limbs badly hurt The Demon Eye, another mummy of the fiends early in the first half.
Things didnt go all Infectious groove's way however. Their starting tactic of using cousin randy and his freakishly long claws to rend the oppositions star skeletons came unstuck when The Evil Torturer removed him from the match with his first blitz. Infectious recoverd quickly however and marched towards the end zone, with a late score in the first half looking certain. Until the torturer powered into the play, blockig his way up field and leaving bent and battered beast men in his wake. His size and strength making him an imovable object in the groove's advance and a last ditch pass fell short of its target.
So the second half began 0-0 and the Fiends, down two mummies, were out numbered. A pitch invasion evened up the numbers, but the absence of two of the fiends powerhouses proved to be too much in the end. The Groove harried the ball carrier and with the help of some injuries and Grove Family Cyco's hideous apperance saving him from several blocks, recovered the kick and scored late in the second half for the win.
It ended 1 nil to Infectious Groove, but they were lucky to be facing a damaged and under strength Fiends. The skillful defence of the Fiends coach would have assured them victory if all the players had showed up to play.”
Things didnt go all Infectious groove's way however. Their starting tactic of using cousin randy and his freakishly long claws to rend the oppositions star skeletons came unstuck when The Evil Torturer removed him from the match with his first blitz. Infectious recoverd quickly however and marched towards the end zone, with a late score in the first half looking certain. Until the torturer powered into the play, blockig his way up field and leaving bent and battered beast men in his wake. His size and strength making him an imovable object in the groove's advance and a last ditch pass fell short of its target.
So the second half began 0-0 and the Fiends, down two mummies, were out numbered. A pitch invasion evened up the numbers, but the absence of two of the fiends powerhouses proved to be too much in the end. The Groove harried the ball carrier and with the help of some injuries and Grove Family Cyco's hideous apperance saving him from several blocks, recovered the kick and scored late in the second half for the win.
It ended 1 nil to Infectious Groove, but they were lucky to be facing a damaged and under strength Fiends. The skillful defence of the Fiends coach would have assured them victory if all the players had showed up to play.”