“note to self: think twice before you agree to a game
<pythrr> yr vampies dont wanna play my orcs do they? equal TS
<stuelle2> hi
<pythrr> hi
<stuelle2> what does equal ts mean?
<pythrr> as in we both have 220 TS.
<pythrr> :D
<stuelle2> hehe
<pythrr> \o/
<stuelle2> if you wouldnt have said it i might have agreed
<pythrr> really? how odd.
<pythrr> was just pointing out that it was an even challenge, for a change
<stuelle2> hehe, that didnt work
<stuelle2> got any other teams?
<pythrr> many.
<pythrr> none as even with yr vamps tho.
<stuelle2> chaos vs liz?
<stuelle2> didnt even look at your team
<pythrr> nah, screw it, am gonna try B now.
<pythrr> am sick of the R negotiating nonsense
<stuelle2> haha, you are making my day
<pythrr> indeed.
<pythrr> weirdness.
<stuelle2> only because i usually agree to game offer like that
<stuelle2> haha, one time i refuse an offer nobody would have played anyways
<stuelle2> offer a fair game and than that
<stuelle2> you are funny dude
<pythrr> ok, not really following you.
<pythrr> i did offer u a fair game, 220 TS orcs vs 220 TS vamps. ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
you weirdo!”