“If last game was mostly played in sweltering heat, this was the opposite. A blizzard raged for the first 12 rounds. Chaos Divided won the coin toss and received.
The opposing team tried first to break the defence from the right but the delf line hold. Then few warriors struck heavily the middle line and it gave in. Beastmen ran thro it and scored on the fourth round.
It was delfs turn. A beautiful passing play led to an equaliser within two rounds. The darn chaos stroke heavily again. The line simply did not hold. Chaos Divided won the first half 2-1.
Delfs weren't beaten yet. They blitzed their way thro the mid line and scored an equaliser on round three. Once again the chaos stroke hard but this time the line hold somewhat decently. The ball carrier was struck down on the 7th round but it wasnt enough. On the 8th turn a big handed beastman came, grabbed the ball and ran to the end zone.
Man of the match was once again Namarie Pow. Good news is that FF did not decrease. Also quite a decent cash was earned. Eadraic Longpass got his second advance and aged (MA -1). He's not leaving the team yet, tho.
Cheers for the match, Jacob (next time less POWs, please :)”
The opposing team tried first to break the defence from the right but the delf line hold. Then few warriors struck heavily the middle line and it gave in. Beastmen ran thro it and scored on the fourth round.
It was delfs turn. A beautiful passing play led to an equaliser within two rounds. The darn chaos stroke heavily again. The line simply did not hold. Chaos Divided won the first half 2-1.
Delfs weren't beaten yet. They blitzed their way thro the mid line and scored an equaliser on round three. Once again the chaos stroke hard but this time the line hold somewhat decently. The ball carrier was struck down on the 7th round but it wasnt enough. On the 8th turn a big handed beastman came, grabbed the ball and ran to the end zone.
Man of the match was once again Namarie Pow. Good news is that FF did not decrease. Also quite a decent cash was earned. Eadraic Longpass got his second advance and aged (MA -1). He's not leaving the team yet, tho.
Cheers for the match, Jacob (next time less POWs, please :)”