“A disappointing rematch if I am honest, basically a repeat performance of the last game. Even without the assistance of mighty blow (Splatterboyz only have 2 players with it) they always managed an armour break or injury exactly when they needed it. Every time it looked as if the Chaos boyz might have a break or an opening, a handful of players would get smashed into the dirt, reducing their chances of holding onto the ball from slim to none. Despite the claw/rsc combination and attempted gang-fouling, the chaos team could only manage a measly pair of KOs in the first half, a badly hurt black orc on turn 7 and another badly hurt on turn 16. If these injuries had happened sooner in the game, then perhaps they would have provided more of a challenge for the orcs.
I think if I could have done things differently I would have ignored Ugg the troll and instead used Hordak to hunt down the blitzers. In our first game I was able to KO the troll with Hordak very quickly and I was hoping to do the same in this match. Unfortunately as luck would have it I couldn't break armour and as soon as Hordak moved away to attack another target, Ugg promptly killed Samoflange. :p While Samoflange managed to regenerate and returned for the next drive, losing 2 of my important guard players one after the other created a slippery slope that I don't think I ever recovered from.”
I think if I could have done things differently I would have ignored Ugg the troll and instead used Hordak to hunt down the blitzers. In our first game I was able to KO the troll with Hordak very quickly and I was hoping to do the same in this match. Unfortunately as luck would have it I couldn't break armour and as soon as Hordak moved away to attack another target, Ugg promptly killed Samoflange. :p While Samoflange managed to regenerate and returned for the next drive, losing 2 of my important guard players one after the other created a slippery slope that I don't think I ever recovered from.”