Handicaps in Azure's favour - Buzzing (on Zug) and Illegal Drugs (on Captain Aidan)
This was an all Mordor final! Finally the one ring would return home, no matter who the victor was. We can rejoice in that fact.
I was expecting to face Azure with one handicap, and the Mighty Zug... (he had already hired the star)... but as I hosted, we noticed the sly human had dropped a coach to get two handicaps... he would pay for this slight of hand... We had hired the services of the Count to "count"er the Zug man.
The mighty undead opted to receive, but the first turn was not bloody despite 3 MB blocks. So of course we fouled, but this just led to a KO'd lineman. This was not going well. The good thing was, the Count had the ball.
Slowly the undead pushed forward, as the eager humans commited themselves. The ever living Mummy, Swamp Lord finally got first blood with a SI-niggle to the doomed human Spike. Then the Ghoul Twilight Mist followed his lead with a BH to the tackler Cardola. Soon there were just 7 puny fleshlings on the pitch.
It was at this point that the undead team, in their blood lust, miscalculated, and had to let a potential foul on Captain Aidan (the Str4 Ag4 Human Blitzer) with a DP with 5 assists pass them by. This was the moment the mighty necromancer coach, Wotfudboy would come to rue the most.
The humans were fighting back, making things difficult... and if the undead didn't take their chance soon they could lose the opportunity altogether!... so the Count reluctantly scored earlier than he would have liked in turn 7/6. 1-0.
The humans didn't waste their chance either. After BH (regenerated) Swamp King II, they powered forward with agility and strength. However, it took two 1 dice blocks to get the equaliser... with the cursed Captain Aidan making the first, and the annoying catcher Blaze blitzing the 2nd to score. 1-1.
The 2nd half began with both human KO's staying out, and Wotfudboy could see a glimmer of hope. However this was quickly extinguished as the Mighty Zug blitzed and KO'd the mummy Swamp Lord.
It soon became a race to remove players from the field. In turn 2/3, after having already putting the boot in once, Stab, a human DP tried once more with 3 assists and RIP'd (no regen) the Count and got sent off for his trouble. The tide had turned too much now.
It was 9 undead vs 7 humans, but there were some quality humans players on the pitch. But the undead had ideas about that, with Hillman not missing his chance to foul the prone Zug... BH... yay!... but apothed... Booo!
By turn 5/5 there were 6 humans vs 8 undead... and the human ball carrier was exposed... just needed some luck now!
The ball carrier, the cursed Captain Aidan went down, and we grabbed the ball. Things were looking good! By turn 6/7 it was looking likely to see a 2nd undead TD, but Captain Aidan saved them. 3 dodges and 2 gfis later and the ghoul ball carrier was stunned and the ball loose. We eventually got the ball back, but we were short of the end zone. 1-1 and into Overtime.
The humans received... and a Blitz!... the undead quickly got into position... even catching the ball... but Captain Aidan again came to their rescue. It was 9 players each... then 8 each... but the undead weren't able to get to Captain Aidan... eventually some poor fortune led to the human breaking free. It was all over... Nooooooooo!.... So close, and no kick off result could save us! 1-2.
Great game, great final... My ag4 ghoul skilled without ageing, but Swamp Lord did not escape the ageing process, with a niggle!... ahhhh the salt in the dry wound!”
#2 Captain Alexander Bloodyhand – Dead (RIP) #13 Spike – Broken Ribs (MNG) #13 Spike – Smashed Knee (NI)
“MORDOR! In a season of disappointment and when our anger was unleashed on our players for their failures...the threats and whippings finally bore fruit as our players were more afraid of our coach than the other team and ripped into the lovely undead forces with fierce determination to win the ultimate prize. With it in our possession, we know that it was our destiny! We hunger for power above all else and now it is ours! We have a new mission now: IT'S MY PRECIOUS! and no one will ever take it from us! Darkness will descend upon the middle earth unlike it has ever seen before.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Handicaps in Azure's favour - Buzzing (on Zug) and Illegal Drugs (on Captain Aidan)
This was an all Mordor final! Finally the one ring would return home, no matter who the victor was. We can rejoice in that fact.
I was expecting to face Azure with one handicap, and the Mighty Zug... (he had already hired the star)... but as I hosted, we noticed the sly human had dropped a coach to get two handicaps... he would pay for this slight of hand... We had hired the services of the Count to "count"er the Zug man.
The mighty undead opted to receive, but the first turn was not bloody despite 3 MB blocks. So of course we fouled, but this just led to a KO'd lineman. This was not going well. The good thing was, the Count had the ball.
Slowly the undead pushed forward, as the eager humans commited themselves. The ever living Mummy, Swamp Lord finally got first blood with a SI-niggle to the doomed human Spike. Then the Ghoul Twilight Mist followed his lead with a BH to the tackler Cardola. Soon there were just 7 puny fleshlings on the pitch.
It was at this point that the undead team, in their blood lust, miscalculated, and had to let a potential foul on Captain Aidan (the Str4 Ag4 Human Blitzer) with a DP with 5 assists pass them by. This was the moment the mighty necromancer coach, Wotfudboy would come to rue the most.
The humans were fighting back, making things difficult... and if the undead didn't take their chance soon they could lose the opportunity altogether!... so the Count reluctantly scored earlier than he would have liked in turn 7/6. 1-0.
The humans didn't waste their chance either. After BH (regenerated) Swamp King II, they powered forward with agility and strength. However, it took two 1 dice blocks to get the equaliser... with the cursed Captain Aidan making the first, and the annoying catcher Blaze blitzing the 2nd to score. 1-1.
The 2nd half began with both human KO's staying out, and Wotfudboy could see a glimmer of hope. However this was quickly extinguished as the Mighty Zug blitzed and KO'd the mummy Swamp Lord.
It soon became a race to remove players from the field. In turn 2/3, after having already putting the boot in once, Stab, a human DP tried once more with 3 assists and RIP'd (no regen) the Count and got sent off for his trouble. The tide had turned too much now.
It was 9 undead vs 7 humans, but there were some quality humans players on the pitch. But the undead had ideas about that, with Hillman not missing his chance to foul the prone Zug... BH... yay!... but apothed... Booo!
By turn 5/5 there were 6 humans vs 8 undead... and the human ball carrier was exposed... just needed some luck now!
The ball carrier, the cursed Captain Aidan went down, and we grabbed the ball. Things were looking good! By turn 6/7 it was looking likely to see a 2nd undead TD, but Captain Aidan saved them. 3 dodges and 2 gfis later and the ghoul ball carrier was stunned and the ball loose. We eventually got the ball back, but we were short of the end zone. 1-1 and into Overtime.
The humans received... and a Blitz!... the undead quickly got into position... even catching the ball... but Captain Aidan again came to their rescue. It was 9 players each... then 8 each... but the undead weren't able to get to Captain Aidan... eventually some poor fortune led to the human breaking free. It was all over... Nooooooooo!.... So close, and no kick off result could save us! 1-2.
Great game, great final... My ag4 ghoul skilled without ageing, but Swamp Lord did not escape the ageing process, with a niggle!... ahhhh the salt in the dry wound!”