“Snogert knocks' out Boneheads on first drive with 2 cas's. Blitz and turnover allow Norse to get 2nd TD. Khemri foul Snogert and kill him in turn of pain but apoth does its job. 2nd half khemri have ball control issues but clear the pitch of Norse boyz who go to dugout for brewskies. Snogert and Asgeirir are SI'd on fouls. Well the dead know how to hit you when your down :)”
“'Foul first, ask questions later' strategy pays dividends, but too late. Regeneration proved useless as everyone failed their regen rolls. Losing one mummy right from the getgo hurt and then a norse blitz late in the second half and our decision to not play the ball proved dumb and costly as the norse go up 2-0 at the end of the first half. I guess our brains rotted along with our flesh. Three turns of failed pick-ups near our own endzone to start the second half really left us with no chance for the two scores we needed.”
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