“No Escape haven't won a match yet, but they sure came close in this match. In the first half they managed to break the opponents offense and run for a TD, but was stopped by a dodging and GFI'ng beastman blitzer. In the second half Haaben scored in turn 4, and the khemri set up what looked to be an effective defense.
A block on the beastman ball carrier, deep in his own defensive zone, lead to a scatter close to the khemri TD line with just two turns remaining. Skeletons guarded the ball while Haaben set out to blitz down the only beastman within scoring range. Double skulls ended that attempt.
Night Lord then followed up with an amazing maneuver, running in and picking up the ball despite two skeletons guarding it, dodging away and passing it to Flame Falcon who could score. All in turn 8 and all without using a single re-roll. That's what makes Blood Bowl such a fantastic game! :)
Thanks for the match, Shane. It was a fun and friendly match, I hope I get a rematch one day :)”
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Thanks for the nice words, hope to play you again soon!