#3 Stavro 'It's all stats' Schmonkvich – Smashed Knee (NI)
“once again: where's DMU when you need it?
started 10 vs 12 -
managed to wait until 1/5 to score, got one DP sent off meanwhile.
then my fans GTR and i can land 2 good and 2 bad fouls (-st on slayer, BH on longbeard) - and twice the some LB gets saved by his thick skull.
second half starts with a rock thrown at my DP, and i really can't do nothing. i managed to blitz another LB to BH after dodging, and even knock the ball loose once - but too late and only 6 dudes left. turn16 foul only yielded a stun.
GG, made me think hard. ”
started 10 vs 12 -
managed to wait until 1/5 to score, got one DP sent off meanwhile.
then my fans GTR and i can land 2 good and 2 bad fouls (-st on slayer, BH on longbeard) - and twice the some LB gets saved by his thick skull.
second half starts with a rock thrown at my DP, and i really can't do nothing. i managed to blitz another LB to BH after dodging, and even knock the ball loose once - but too late and only 6 dudes left. turn16 foul only yielded a stun.
GG, made me think hard.