“The Metal Maniacs prayed to the almighty god Attrition before stepping onto the pitch; by the time they stepped off of it, it was filled with rats writhing in agony.
The Ratsketeers took their first loss in decisive fashion, getting blown off the pitch by the Metal Dead. The Rats started well; a toss from Rickey to Chewy resulted in the first score of the game. But from there on out, it was nuthin' but undead, as the maniacs blazed a clear path to the end zone by breaking any rats they came across. The Rats put up a fight, but they were outnumbered 2:1 going into the second half and things just kept getting worse from there. The only positive the Rats can take away -- aside from Rickey finally completing a pass to his own team -- is that at least none of them were "recruited" by the Maniacs.”
The Ratsketeers took their first loss in decisive fashion, getting blown off the pitch by the Metal Dead. The Rats started well; a toss from Rickey to Chewy resulted in the first score of the game. But from there on out, it was nuthin' but undead, as the maniacs blazed a clear path to the end zone by breaking any rats they came across. The Rats put up a fight, but they were outnumbered 2:1 going into the second half and things just kept getting worse from there. The only positive the Rats can take away -- aside from Rickey finally completing a pass to his own team -- is that at least none of them were "recruited" by the Maniacs.”