#12 Shadow – Dead (RIP) #13 Sandan Soulreaper – Dead (RIP) #15 Malaag – Dead (RIP)
“That was the biggest pile of bs I've seen in a while.
Lost the coin toss.
1st kickoff: Quick snap to opponent.
2nd kickoff: Perfect Defense to opponent.
3rd kickoff: Blitz to opponent.
4th kickoff: Rock Thrown to Ghoul's head, seriously injured.
1st hit of the game BH. 3rd turn Zombie Killed. Couple of KO's, about every hit penetrated armor. Opponent fouls 3 times in a row, no ejections.
after 1st half succession 48%-76%, hard to defend with 6 players. Opponent regenerated all of the cas, my team regenerated 1 BH and 1MNG, failed 5 regen on 3 Deaths and 2 MG's.
Lost the coin toss again.
6 players remaining on OT as Ghoul gets stoned to SI, Zombie gets SI'd on first hit. Conceded.
Otherwise it was nice.
Taking nothing away from the opponent who played it very good.”
Lost the coin toss.
1st kickoff: Quick snap to opponent.
2nd kickoff: Perfect Defense to opponent.
3rd kickoff: Blitz to opponent.
4th kickoff: Rock Thrown to Ghoul's head, seriously injured.
1st hit of the game BH. 3rd turn Zombie Killed. Couple of KO's, about every hit penetrated armor. Opponent fouls 3 times in a row, no ejections.
after 1st half succession 48%-76%, hard to defend with 6 players. Opponent regenerated all of the cas, my team regenerated 1 BH and 1MNG, failed 5 regen on 3 Deaths and 2 MG's.
Lost the coin toss again.
6 players remaining on OT as Ghoul gets stoned to SI, Zombie gets SI'd on first hit. Conceded.
Otherwise it was nice.
Taking nothing away from the opponent who played it very good.”