“Tough match for the Rotters. Sceadeau's team was a slight underdog but he still dominated the match and should have won, by all rights.
I was taking some truly ridiculous chances, since I was trying to get my record up to an even .500 and I really wanted to do it with this team. In the end, I took the game only because I managed to dodge out of a TZ with a BM to blitz the ball carrier and then make every single ball handling roll necessary to grab it, rumble down the pitch and (successfully!) pass it it my awaiting Rotter for the score. Truly riduclously fortunate.
I was taking some truly ridiculous chances, since I was trying to get my record up to an even .500 and I really wanted to do it with this team. In the end, I took the game only because I managed to dodge out of a TZ with a BM to blitz the ball carrier and then make every single ball handling roll necessary to grab it, rumble down the pitch and (successfully!) pass it it my awaiting Rotter for the score. Truly riduclously fortunate.
Thanks for the game, Sceadeau.”