“Heh it was a dwarf match with 10 ts more :)i have me sworn that i nevermore plays with dwarves or khemri (cd is another thing) i hate these races and do anything to kill and destroy these both races:)and no problem with a rematch i await no good things from a dwarf coach:) ”
“Not a very fun match for a change. The opponent had 2 DPs and insisted on using them with and without assists. All is fair in bloodbowl but for some reason I found it less to my liking than, for example, in that match against gobbos where the DPs did me considerably more harm in the end.
I played it safe, only fouled back when I had 3 or 4 assists on his precious ag4 blitzer but without noteworthy results. MB granted me enough KOs by the end that I could stall out to a somewhat bland tasting tie.
Sammler decided to end the match with a t16 foul. No harm done, but I'll be sure to return that sweet cherry of a gesture to him if we meet again.”
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