In my second game, he took a dive and got a niggling injury in return, and both games he played in (not including one, that had to be rebooted where he also niggled) he's been unavailable. I think he's doing it on purpose. If he keeps on doing it, I'll give him the boot. No room for slackers among the northern men.
Apart from a lousy beginning (probably due to my men forgetting to tie their shoe laces) where almost every 2+ roll failed (including my AG4 dodge) which ate alot of rerolls, things went well. After the Ogre spend a turn tieing his shoe laces, the rest caught up and the GFI problems disappeared.
Thorleif went haywire again, killing 1 man (got saved by a medic) and seriously injuring another. Took out a third man "just for the sport" as he put it, and he seems determined to ignore the game in favour of random mayhem. The two times he finally tried to do something constructive, he failed miserably (completely ignoring the team coaching) and got himself stunned. Guess he thinks he's done the ball-handling he's going to in this life....
My main thrower Gert Langir yet again demonstrated his ineptitude, sending the ball into the other part of the field on a pass, right into the hands of an enemy blodger! He claimed later on, that he only did it, because he planned a show-off with Fellhand (the catcher, who had to blitz the aforementioned blodger, get the ball and score!)), and by public demand Gert got the MVP for that stunt!
My opponent played well, and only my AG staff (catcher plus AG4 lineman) secured the 2 touchdown, since I took quite a beating in the second half. That was great, since I was forced to play a defense without relying on removing the opposing players, which I probably needed. Even had to do it without the two AG heroes, since they took turns getting fouled after my opponent's fans send the Ref packing.
Great game, where every score (and attempt) kept the exitement high until the last dice roll :) Sorry about the killings though, and I'd be more than happy to face your Humies yet again. ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
In my second game, he took a dive and got a niggling injury in return, and both games he played in (not including one, that had to be rebooted where he also niggled) he's been unavailable. I think he's doing it on purpose. If he keeps on doing it, I'll give him the boot. No room for slackers among the northern men.
Apart from a lousy beginning (probably due to my men forgetting to tie their shoe laces) where almost every 2+ roll failed (including my AG4 dodge) which ate alot of rerolls, things went well. After the Ogre spend a turn tieing his shoe laces, the rest caught up and the GFI problems disappeared.
Thorleif went haywire again, killing 1 man (got saved by a medic) and seriously injuring another. Took out a third man "just for the sport" as he put it, and he seems determined to ignore the game in favour of random mayhem. The two times he finally tried to do something constructive, he failed miserably (completely ignoring the team coaching) and got himself stunned. Guess he thinks he's done the ball-handling he's going to in this life....
My main thrower Gert Langir yet again demonstrated his ineptitude, sending the ball into the other part of the field on a pass, right into the hands of an enemy blodger! He claimed later on, that he only did it, because he planned a show-off with Fellhand (the catcher, who had to blitz the aforementioned blodger, get the ball and score!)), and by public demand Gert got the MVP for that stunt!
My opponent played well, and only my AG staff (catcher plus AG4 lineman) secured the 2 touchdown, since I took quite a beating in the second half. That was great, since I was forced to play a defense without relying on removing the opposing players, which I probably needed. Even had to do it without the two AG heroes, since they took turns getting fouled after my opponent's fans send the Ref packing.
Great game, where every score (and attempt) kept the exitement high until the last dice roll :) Sorry about the killings though, and I'd be more than happy to face your Humies yet again. ”