“Divine rage burns throught he night! Like rabid wolves, pulled by diesel beasts, the charioteers make way to the lands of decay and engage in the war known as Bloodbowl!
Hail to the Master of the Wind. Thy warrior prowess fends off the undead and prevents a TD! To you the treasures first fill!
And to GW Bushwacker, upon thy back a TD is made...stalemate against the firepower of the khemri!
But none rival the deeds of Karl S Troll! One-on-one combat initiates with a mummy. Mighty mailed fists yield the great monster and bring DEATH with a single blow! Regeneration is the only thing that kept the head from thy grasp!
DeMaio "The drums of war sound the call! Pack thy bounty and set sail to burn road upon this night! Let all who ride brass and steel...disappear within road dust! Hail!"”
Hail to the Master of the Wind. Thy warrior prowess fends off the undead and prevents a TD! To you the treasures first fill!
And to GW Bushwacker, upon thy back a TD is made...stalemate against the firepower of the khemri!
But none rival the deeds of Karl S Troll! One-on-one combat initiates with a mummy. Mighty mailed fists yield the great monster and bring DEATH with a single blow! Regeneration is the only thing that kept the head from thy grasp!
DeMaio "The drums of war sound the call! Pack thy bounty and set sail to burn road upon this night! Let all who ride brass and steel...disappear within road dust! Hail!"”