“Our 10-man humies face Cris' 11-strong chaos dwarves. Both teams have a dirty player which will be crucial to who gets the numbers advantage.. could be bloody! They have no bull centaurs so will be at a slight speed disadvantage.
They win the toss and get to receive, which could be key. However no players are hurt on their first turn (or foul) and we counter foul their DP (just a stun) and then try our best to get at the ball. We defend well (relying mostly on them not being able to beat our AV8 linemen's armour!) but they are tenacious and push forwards like bulldogs, scoring on turn 7.
We go for a 2-turn TD but the chaos dwarves swarm around our ball carrier making it all but impossible for him to score.. and then their DP goes in for the boot on one of his helping linemen, knocking him out but getting sent off in the process! In our turn we badly hurt a dwarf, then seriously injure another with a 7-human gang foul that ref says was 'just this side of fair' - yay!
This means we have 9 (Ted sleeps on in the KO box) vs just 8- but they soon remedy that with a hobgoblin blitz seriously injuring one of our blitzers on their very first turn, and then badly hurting two linemen the following one! Ouch! With just 6 players on the pitch we soon lose the ball and then it's desperate attempts by the humans while the dwarves continue punching everything they can get their hands on until the final whistle blows to announce their win!
Well played Cris and a fun match :)”
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They win the toss and get to receive, which could be key. However no players are hurt on their first turn (or foul) and we counter foul their DP (just a stun) and then try our best to get at the ball. We defend well (relying mostly on them not being able to beat our AV8 linemen's armour!) but they are tenacious and push forwards like bulldogs, scoring on turn 7.
We go for a 2-turn TD but the chaos dwarves swarm around our ball carrier making it all but impossible for him to score.. and then their DP goes in for the boot on one of his helping linemen, knocking him out but getting sent off in the process! In our turn we badly hurt a dwarf, then seriously injure another with a 7-human gang foul that ref says was 'just this side of fair' - yay!
This means we have 9 (Ted sleeps on in the KO box) vs just 8- but they soon remedy that with a hobgoblin blitz seriously injuring one of our blitzers on their very first turn, and then badly hurting two linemen the following one! Ouch! With just 6 players on the pitch we soon lose the ball and then it's desperate attempts by the humans while the dwarves continue punching everything they can get their hands on until the final whistle blows to announce their win!
Well played Cris and a fun match :)”