“A massive sramble of a game, with both cas coming very late on.
The first half drive was decent but unspectacular, and the OT return try went very very near.
Second half the opponent chose to stall out and bad choice combined wirth some failry rare bad dice for him made the ball exposed and gave me 2 die ona dodger.
he went donw, ball went to hand and we reversed the stall out to squeek a narrow 1-0
Nuffle be priased, my 'click some stuff and wait for luck to work' strategy triumphs again.”
“Nice game with skilled orc coach who refused to roll serious injuries on me.. go team!
I played quite well too.. except for 2 blunders.. but boy ohhh boy what blunders.
I wont even put them down in print they are too horrible.
anyway, was a good game apart from that and it felt good to be back in the driving seat of the grace again. I havent lost my touch I just need to screw my head on a little tighter.
Thanks for the game purple.”
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The first half drive was decent but unspectacular, and the OT return try went very very near.
Second half the opponent chose to stall out and bad choice combined wirth some failry rare bad dice for him made the ball exposed and gave me 2 die ona dodger.
he went donw, ball went to hand and we reversed the stall out to squeek a narrow 1-0
Nuffle be priased, my 'click some stuff and wait for luck to work' strategy triumphs again.”