“I asked you I it was ok for ya to play further. If you had said no I scored xcause you said you would conceed I would hjave conceeded. I had only 15 minutes left an dso decided to conceed. I never thought that you would stall. This is a little fun cup with goblin cheaters. After the touchdown things looked not sa bad like before and I decided to try and make a touchdown. If you really want this cup that much, go and ask an admin if he can swap our places. I shit on this. Don't need to win this.”
“Congrats to Kheldar1982 for the win. He really deserves it after the stunt he pulled in the seconf half when it looked like the game had turned in my favour. So he started to impersonate the poor little boy perfectly, saying he would just concede after the next td cause it was hopeless and he wanted to go out with his gf. This proves without any doubt how naive I am, because I actually believed it, silly me, so instead of beating his remaining gits to pulp while I waited to score till the last turn to have a clear advantage in the OT, I just scored so he could go. Of course, it was all bullshit, so I lost the game. I blame myself for my naiveness in the first place, of course, but I will make sure this never happens to me again. Also, it goes without saying that Kheldar1982 has entered my incredibly short black list, and he can be sure he won't be welcome in any event or tournament I organize in the future.”
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