“How to lose a game where your STR is almost double of your opponent? Have bad dice and bad dice and bad dice... that's the complete story of this game for Cannon Flodder. It was a really pathathic game from these snots.
Tripple skull's, double 1's, failed apoth, one block dice resulting in nothing but skull, only once able to field once three trolls due to MORLEY’S REVENGE (d3 players = 3 players and on a d6, 1-3 may not take part on this drive happened more than 50%) etc etc you name it Cannon Flodder got it.
The Unfortunate_Souls had a bad 1st half just like Cannon flodder, but the Fortunate_Souls were on top of the world in the 2nd half (kicking out a troll in turn 1 of the 2nd half, the game was over)..
Gratz with this walkover Acheron. Gl with your next game. And gratz btw you earned a spot in my team! Spy Acheron_Styx has been enlisted (all coaches that kill players will be honored by this Cannon Flodder spirit).”
“I'm Honored to take a place on your team, even though i did kill 2 players...i think i may have earned a better spot than spy =D
thanks for a good game, even if the luck wasn't on your side. ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Tripple skull's, double 1's, failed apoth, one block dice resulting in nothing but skull, only once able to field once three trolls due to MORLEY’S REVENGE (d3 players = 3 players and on a d6, 1-3 may not take part on this drive happened more than 50%) etc etc you name it Cannon Flodder got it.
The Unfortunate_Souls had a bad 1st half just like Cannon flodder, but the Fortunate_Souls were on top of the world in the 2nd half (kicking out a troll in turn 1 of the 2nd half, the game was over)..
Gratz with this walkover Acheron. Gl with your next game. And gratz btw you earned a spot in my team! Spy Acheron_Styx has been enlisted (all coaches that kill players will be honored by this Cannon Flodder spirit).”