“Free to do as they please, the charioteers are masters of all they survey...or are they. For this forest they ride, have eyes...trained on death and destruction.
In a blink of an eye, the rangers of the land known as Locomotiv descended upon them. At the crossroads, we had to choose battle or bloodbowl to pass...naturely we chose the fields of glory and pain and the game commenced!
Hail this day in honor of Karl S Troll! Thy fists yield elf and spill blood for the frenzied fans! With a mighty snap, steal the life and head of Dator! Twist hard brother of hate, twist till thy prize is released from the neck and held with pride in thy hands! Show high the head of thy enemy and feel the hot winds of courage course threw you! Blessed be the riders of the damned!
And to Tor, the big guy breaker! Another trophy to decorate the chariot. Wrapped in twine, dangle thy totem of strength!
But this day was won by the Master of the Wind. Truly bloodbowl perfected, he wins and upgrades to sure hands! No age...for a charioteer, life and death...both are quick!
DeMaio "Emerge from the crowd chosen warrior of death. Emerge Oath Master and take the helm of the charioteers and frontman! Manifest thy destiny and let courage be thy shield! Blaze strong with power to slay all that stand before ye! Ride hard! Ride til you DIE!"
In a blink of an eye, the rangers of the land known as Locomotiv descended upon them. At the crossroads, we had to choose battle or bloodbowl to pass...naturely we chose the fields of glory and pain and the game commenced!
Hail this day in honor of Karl S Troll! Thy fists yield elf and spill blood for the frenzied fans! With a mighty snap, steal the life and head of Dator! Twist hard brother of hate, twist till thy prize is released from the neck and held with pride in thy hands! Show high the head of thy enemy and feel the hot winds of courage course threw you! Blessed be the riders of the damned!
And to Tor, the big guy breaker! Another trophy to decorate the chariot. Wrapped in twine, dangle thy totem of strength!
But this day was won by the Master of the Wind. Truly bloodbowl perfected, he wins and upgrades to sure hands! No age...for a charioteer, life and death...both are quick!
DeMaio "Emerge from the crowd chosen warrior of death. Emerge Oath Master and take the helm of the charioteers and frontman! Manifest thy destiny and let courage be thy shield! Blaze strong with power to slay all that stand before ye! Ride hard! Ride til you DIE!"
gg Ever, sorry about the dicing”