“Spiked chariots of war, emblazoned with the strong winds of courage, crash hard into the ranks of assassins filled with immortal hatred! Evil vs evil, pump thy blood through wounds and battlescars gained with pride upon the fields of glory and pain!
Hail to Biondi who's Arm of Death(TM) splinters the neck and reaps the head of Ice Cream! Now upgrade to tackle!
And to Karl S Troll who snaps the back of Jump Off and upgrades to 8 movement! Hail! A jet engine of POWER strapped to the back of your chariot! Release the diesel beasts and FLY straight into the maw of Hell! Destiny calls and you obey!
And to Columbus, battlestandard of the frontline, upgrade to guard! Let the gods be thy shield!
DeMaio "the fans have spoken, and they crave the return of the Consumate Warrior! Hail Adams, bleeder of life and death! Hear my call through the astral fogs to the pits of Hades! Let not even the walls of blood or bridge of death stop thee! Return alpha warrior, smash thy headstone and take your place by my side!"
The charioteers celebrate the return of Adams and feast upon beasts through the night!”
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Hail to Biondi who's Arm of Death(TM) splinters the neck and reaps the head of Ice Cream! Now upgrade to tackle!
And to Karl S Troll who snaps the back of Jump Off and upgrades to 8 movement! Hail! A jet engine of POWER strapped to the back of your chariot! Release the diesel beasts and FLY straight into the maw of Hell! Destiny calls and you obey!
And to Columbus, battlestandard of the frontline, upgrade to guard! Let the gods be thy shield!
DeMaio "the fans have spoken, and they crave the return of the Consumate Warrior! Hail Adams, bleeder of life and death! Hear my call through the astral fogs to the pits of Hades! Let not even the walls of blood or bridge of death stop thee! Return alpha warrior, smash thy headstone and take your place by my side!"
The charioteers celebrate the return of Adams and feast upon beasts through the night!”