“Welcome in MorkaGorka reZZZZport Zzztorm! Our greenskins will see the usual elves opposed gay. Classic game where the opponent is undervalued (Ulag touch is given to heads scattered voices of locker room say he is unconscious after he bites the head of a dwarf), the beginning is weak and without thinking of the dowry from kangaroo leap of elves, the cage created by the center Vorak (Vorak because we do not know) is avoided and the elves with a little luck to go ahead surprise. The match must be rectified with an underhand attack is sent to the infirmary captain Nibble (testimo some claimed to have seen an elf firing from forums). Without nibble sbanda and the team suffers 2 to 0. The goals would be 3 if Vorak with a launch infallible (that great game of words) does not smarcare Zorg Linkwildboar that with a wriggle marks his first goal. The match ended with a defeat to remain in the mouth of orcs have underestimated the enemy (as well as some of phlegm) the next time will certainly not the case and phlegm will spit in the face.”