5th Match vs Orc (Ridin' Around): 1st half, their drive. We started with a trained blitz but it quickly backfired when Klaas and Kees where blocked into the injury and KO box. The Alps made a good attempt to stop their rush, but in turn 5 they reached the TD line, 1-0. Our attempt to equal the score was a well played, tacticly speaking, but jaap failed to throw a quick pass and all was in vain. 2nd half: with Steffan in the KO box the Alps only had 1 catcher. Virgil felt the pressure but managed to catch the ball while and Troll was about to block him. But quickly after that Alex failed his dodge (like everything else in this match) and the orcs were free to unleash their fury upon Virgil. Virgil managed to dodge the blitz and ran along the td line to grab some extra time. Another blits (with 2 dodges and 2gfi's) failed and Virgil was able to dodge to equalize the score. The orcs managed to make a Long Pass and was about the win the game in the last seconds, but the blitzer fell down, dropping the ball in our td-line.
GG Aknot. I hope for a rematch one day.”
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5th Match vs Orc (Ridin' Around): 1st half, their drive. We started with a trained blitz but it quickly backfired when Klaas and Kees where blocked into the injury and KO box. The Alps made a good attempt to stop their rush, but in turn 5 they reached the TD line, 1-0. Our attempt to equal the score was a well played, tacticly speaking, but jaap failed to throw a quick pass and all was in vain. 2nd half: with Steffan in the KO box the Alps only had 1 catcher. Virgil felt the pressure but managed to catch the ball while and Troll was about to block him. But quickly after that Alex failed his dodge (like everything else in this match) and the orcs were free to unleash their fury upon Virgil. Virgil managed to dodge the blitz and ran along the td line to grab some extra time. Another blits (with 2 dodges and 2gfi's) failed and Virgil was able to dodge to equalize the score. The orcs managed to make a Long Pass and was about the win the game in the last seconds, but the blitzer fell down, dropping the ball in our td-line.
GG Aknot. I hope for a rematch one day.”