“An interesting match. We Demand Reparations was very much alike my own team, composed mostly of Lineelves. It was a recovery match, though, for WDR, and they started two elves down. That didn't stop them from evening out the odds with a couple of quick KO's, so first half was rather even. Both teams seemed incapable of actually doing anything with the ball, and I couldn't dodge at all (and I won't even comment the number of 2+ catches I blew :).
In second half, though my men returned to duty and WDR's one KO in the 8th down didn't. The numbers took their toll, and I managed to score twice.
A nice game of Elf-ball, with no injuries and the ball moving around alot.
I look forward to a rematch, when WDR has rebuilt its strength. ”
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In second half, though my men returned to duty and WDR's one KO in the 8th down didn't. The numbers took their toll, and I managed to score twice.
A nice game of Elf-ball, with no injuries and the ball moving around alot.
I look forward to a rematch, when WDR has rebuilt its strength. ”