#3 General Dwight Eisenhower – Dead (RIP) #7 General George C. Marshall – Smashed Knee (NI)
“OCCS Stomp - Game 7:
Facing some bloodthirsty ogres was going to be brutal and this game had that in spades. A game where both sides struggled with picking up the ball. The game started with a RIP foul on a ogre...and the ogres answered back with a RIP on the dp and a niggle another another halfling. Then fouled out the dp with a tricky goblin. Overall, it was a bloody, brutal match. It came down to T16. The ogres managed to get the ball and streaked downfield...in an incredible display, Numoria scored to get the draw on T16...but with no RRs, the halflings had a chance. MacArthur caught the kickoff thanks to quicksnap...handoff...toss...gfi...and the crowd went wild as the last chance TTM works for the 2-1 victory! A very competitive game! This increases our record to 6/0/1 so far this season.”
Facing some bloodthirsty ogres was going to be brutal and this game had that in spades. A game where both sides struggled with picking up the ball. The game started with a RIP foul on a ogre...and the ogres answered back with a RIP on the dp and a niggle another another halfling. Then fouled out the dp with a tricky goblin. Overall, it was a bloody, brutal match. It came down to T16. The ogres managed to get the ball and streaked downfield...in an incredible display, Numoria scored to get the draw on T16...but with no RRs, the halflings had a chance. MacArthur caught the kickoff thanks to quicksnap...handoff...toss...gfi...and the crowd went wild as the last chance TTM works for the 2-1 victory! A very competitive game! This increases our record to 6/0/1 so far this season.”