“There's nothing that can be said about this game that can't be found out by one look at the CASes my team took and mentally adding a lot of KOs to that number. Apo failed, and it felt like every time that Claw/RSC rat even looked at one of my players someone left the field, losing 2 good players in the progress. Played half the match with 5/6 vs 11 players as a result. On the other hand, blocking, crowdsurfing, and DP fouling didn't even bruise the rats. Never stood a real chance of winning, since every time it looked like I might be able to pull something off the dice didn't cooperate.
Not a fun game for me at all, but then again this is just Blood Bowl. I just gotta hope next match will be less boring. =P
But after all, grats to mymLaban. I hope someone kills that Claw/RSC guy real soon. =P”
Not a fun game for me at all, but then again this is just Blood Bowl. I just gotta hope next match will be less boring. =P
But after all, grats to mymLaban. I hope someone kills that Claw/RSC guy real soon. =P”