“I will remember this match dearly! Outclassed from the start and receiving a pissy +1 FF handicap, the Pirates took on a team 50 Str stronger and WON! Coach_McGinty did a decent job with his elves, though frustration got the better of him near the end of the match and as a result he made some questionable decisions. But make no mistake the dice were not overly friendly to him, either. Amazingly his luck was 70% going into the last turn at which point a failed 2+ Dodge with his witch elf failed and brought it to 66%!
This is an EXCITING game...every turn was tense and I was constantly outnumbered. But I stuck with it and Lady Luck answered my pleas for mercy....sweet mercy from the cruel streak she'd subjected the Pirates to for 4 games running!!
A GREAT game...thanks for the game Coach_McGinty.”
This is an EXCITING game...every turn was tense and I was constantly outnumbered. But I stuck with it and Lady Luck answered my pleas for mercy....sweet mercy from the cruel streak she'd subjected the Pirates to for 4 games running!!
A GREAT game...thanks for the game Coach_McGinty.”