“The Evansville Cup IV finale against the New World Warriors began with significant handicaps against the High Elves, however they won the toss and scored quickly. After a long scrum consuming almost the remainder of the half, with the Gladius defense securing the ball and penetrating almost to the goal line, Matthew Davis managed to retake possession, make several difficult dodges, and complete a pass down field. As the GA defense rushed back to prevent the score, another piece of turf caught the defenders foot allowing the NWW to score unmolested as the half came to a close.
With the score now tied, Argentum knew they had to play their usual brand of opportunistic defense. When the Warriors wizard failed to clear enough room with his lightning bolt, despite knocking one of GAs best defenders unconscious, the High Elves were able to scoop up the ball and score. With time running out and the New World squad looking to tie, they pushed deep into GA territory and formed a solid cage around their receiver Don Landers.
However NWW wasn't the only squad armed with arcane magic today. The Elves had spared no expense for this match, and their well purchased fireball decimated the Human team's cage. Swooping in on the suddenly exposed Catcher, team Argentum secured the ball, and handed to Olorion Eldamril who shouldered Davis aside and broke for the endzone. The New World Warriors had one last gasp to stop the insurance TD, but once again the treacherous blood bowl turf claimed yet another victim. With no NWW player able to catch him, Olorion paused a moment on the goal line to savor his third TD of the game, which earned him the MVP and many new fans.
The management of Gladius Argentum would like to thank all of the Evansville Blood Bowl League teams for an exciting Regular Season and Evansville Cup. Undoubtedly the competition will be even more fierce next season as the newer teams improve and this year's contenders look for another chance to claim the league's top prizes.
With the score now tied, Argentum knew they had to play their usual brand of opportunistic defense. When the Warriors wizard failed to clear enough room with his lightning bolt, despite knocking one of GAs best defenders unconscious, the High Elves were able to scoop up the ball and score. With time running out and the New World squad looking to tie, they pushed deep into GA territory and formed a solid cage around their receiver Don Landers.
However NWW wasn't the only squad armed with arcane magic today. The Elves had spared no expense for this match, and their well purchased fireball decimated the Human team's cage. Swooping in on the suddenly exposed Catcher, team Argentum secured the ball, and handed to Olorion Eldamril who shouldered Davis aside and broke for the endzone. The New World Warriors had one last gasp to stop the insurance TD, but once again the treacherous blood bowl turf claimed yet another victim. With no NWW player able to catch him, Olorion paused a moment on the goal line to savor his third TD of the game, which earned him the MVP and many new fans.
The management of Gladius Argentum would like to thank all of the Evansville Blood Bowl League teams for an exciting Regular Season and Evansville Cup. Undoubtedly the competition will be even more fierce next season as the newer teams improve and this year's contenders look for another chance to claim the league's top prizes.
Totus Hail Gladius Argentum! Thrice Vicis Thrice Laurifer!”