“Kondor met the legendary coach BillBrasky at mid field and complimented him on a well played match. This was a match Kondor had looked forward to for sometime. It must have rubbed off on the team and the pregame speech must have been one for the ages as the Guard came out more than ready for duty.
Seal stormed the dirtiest player on the opposing team and pelted him to the bench only to be tossed from the game. Then things got hairy with blocks flying in all directions. Kondor worried about the lack of tacklers on his team but it did not seem to matter as piece after piece of Mahogany hit the turf.
After clearing the ball to Chaplain Mulcahy, the rookie Commando went above and beyond the call of duty laying the wood to Maenid. The extra burly woodie took a crushing blow to the throat and despite the apothecaries best efforts, he could not be revived.
In a miracle of freakish proportions, the guard held their ground the remainder of the half and went in to the locker room with the score 1-0.
The second half saw increased mayhem with Jarhead getting out ahead of the pack with the ball. He considered handing off to the rookie, but determined that going up by a second score would be more important than getting the rookie a little more experience.
Only at this point did Kondor allow himself to breath a small sigh of relief. Time was against Mahogany and it seemed that they might eek out a win. Still, Mahogany would not go quietly into the night. They sent out the remainder of their arsanal and reminded Kondor of why he usually lost to woodies. Pick up the ball, blitz, pass, score, Hardly any time off the clock.
Now Kondor wanted to dust of his own wood elf squad. But that will wait.
At last, time expired, and Kondor claimed what he had only dreamed of. The win over Bill would go down in his personal list of accomplishments. Indeed, this was a bright day.
Thanks for the match Bill. I look forward to giving you a rematch.”
Seal stormed the dirtiest player on the opposing team and pelted him to the bench only to be tossed from the game. Then things got hairy with blocks flying in all directions. Kondor worried about the lack of tacklers on his team but it did not seem to matter as piece after piece of Mahogany hit the turf.
After clearing the ball to Chaplain Mulcahy, the rookie Commando went above and beyond the call of duty laying the wood to Maenid. The extra burly woodie took a crushing blow to the throat and despite the apothecaries best efforts, he could not be revived.
In a miracle of freakish proportions, the guard held their ground the remainder of the half and went in to the locker room with the score 1-0.
The second half saw increased mayhem with Jarhead getting out ahead of the pack with the ball. He considered handing off to the rookie, but determined that going up by a second score would be more important than getting the rookie a little more experience.
Only at this point did Kondor allow himself to breath a small sigh of relief. Time was against Mahogany and it seemed that they might eek out a win. Still, Mahogany would not go quietly into the night. They sent out the remainder of their arsanal and reminded Kondor of why he usually lost to woodies. Pick up the ball, blitz, pass, score, Hardly any time off the clock.
Now Kondor wanted to dust of his own wood elf squad. But that will wait.
At last, time expired, and Kondor claimed what he had only dreamed of. The win over Bill would go down in his personal list of accomplishments. Indeed, this was a bright day.
Thanks for the match Bill. I look forward to giving you a rematch.”