“An interesting game vs a coach apparently sharing with me a similar taste about the way this game is played.
Unfortunately i seem to be too slow a player for him.
I admit i usually take 3-4 minutes a turn.
I guess it's because in my mind playing games is like chilling.
Why hurry when you're enjoying some leisure time?
Well theg, sorry u got bored as u told me.
I'll hope for a rematch anyway.
Even if i won't promise to try and hurry when i play.
Thx anyway Sir, it's always good to meet a skilled, friendly and good spirited coach.
Cya around.”
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i am not in a hurry but true, my oppo was too slow imo making the game somewhat dull and protracted for me.
and tom, no offense taken there, it's just i didnt enjoy it as much as i might have if you had played a little faster.
last but not least, grats to the victory. well earned. cya around.”