“Another fun game, where the HE's actually (after a harsh rebuttal) decided to play like High Elves. Tried to kick the ball out in the backfield, but every time I managed to kick it midfield. Well, at least the kick skill prevented my 2 bad kicks from developing into disastrous Touchbacks.
Despite the Ghoul fumbling the ball and me scooping it, he managed to get it back from the hands of my new catcher Eáránë. After some Ghoul passing play, he ball was in the hands of his Str 4 wight!
Well, at least she actually managed to get the ball and not being overlooked in favour of my ther catcher. The Undead drive proceeded, and when he finally broke from his cage, I got a 2D blitz with a few dodges on his Wight, and got the ball. However, my block/dodge/sidestep Dragon Warrior suddenly got blitzed by the fastest mummy he's ever seen, and got taken by surprise and knocked down. The ball scattering in the wrong direction, and got scooped by a waiting ghoul. However, the ultimate cliffhanger had yet to be played.
I managed to blizt a pocket and ran my favorite Catcher Nienna down and threw her the ball. The Undeads however managed to dodge themselves to a 2d block, and despite half the elven team lined up, managed to get a pow and the ball scattering right into the hands of their block/dodge/sidestepping Ghoul!
Luckily the slow undead was held up by my other players (nice to see my AG3 Lineelf doing something useful!) and the distance they had to cover , but a blizting mummy managed to badly hurt my Dragon Warrior! My thrower got seriously injured, and the apo rushed to his aid! I tried to get the ball, but failed to catch the slippery Ghoul in the 7th down, and half my team up near him.
During the 8th down, my men took turns blocking the Ghoul, who bounced forth and back. Finally my Replacement Thrower succeed in getting him down (now we only need him to actually get some points!), and the ball getting caught by Eáráne. This was her great moment. Getting help from a Lino, she managed to blitz the other Ghoul away and run for a TD!!!
The Undeads obviously weren't pleased and decided to wreck vengeance. They badly hurt my thrower (I've gotta take better care of him) during my drive in the second half, and due to a failed pass to Nienna managed to get the ball lying next to a mummy, Nienna marked by a Ghoul in the Endzone.
One brave Lino dodged out, and helped another Lino pushing back a Ghoul. And now, brave Findecáno had to take action. Ran after the ball, picked it up in front of the clumsy mummy and dodged out. Real elf coaches don't get intimidated from making Long passes just because their thrower get sends away, so he passed to Nienna (who had just pushed the Ghoul back).
The ball sailed over the head of the Ghoul, and Nienna made the second TD.
I've complained about the crowds lack of appetite for proper Elf Ball, and this match was no exception. The fans got so infuriated that it took the rest of the 5 turns to stop the riot! The winnings were great, though I suspect that they just paid us to leave for good!
Despite the Ghoul fumbling the ball and me scooping it, he managed to get it back from the hands of my new catcher Eáránë. After some Ghoul passing play, he ball was in the hands of his Str 4 wight!
Well, at least she actually managed to get the ball and not being overlooked in favour of my ther catcher. The Undead drive proceeded, and when he finally broke from his cage, I got a 2D blitz with a few dodges on his Wight, and got the ball. However, my block/dodge/sidestep Dragon Warrior suddenly got blitzed by the fastest mummy he's ever seen, and got taken by surprise and knocked down. The ball scattering in the wrong direction, and got scooped by a waiting ghoul. However, the ultimate cliffhanger had yet to be played.
I managed to blizt a pocket and ran my favorite Catcher Nienna down and threw her the ball. The Undeads however managed to dodge themselves to a 2d block, and despite half the elven team lined up, managed to get a pow and the ball scattering right into the hands of their block/dodge/sidestepping Ghoul!
Luckily the slow undead was held up by my other players (nice to see my AG3 Lineelf doing something useful!) and the distance they had to cover , but a blizting mummy managed to badly hurt my Dragon Warrior! My thrower got seriously injured, and the apo rushed to his aid! I tried to get the ball, but failed to catch the slippery Ghoul in the 7th down, and half my team up near him.
During the 8th down, my men took turns blocking the Ghoul, who bounced forth and back. Finally my Replacement Thrower succeed in getting him down (now we only need him to actually get some points!), and the ball getting caught by Eáráne. This was her great moment. Getting help from a Lino, she managed to blitz the other Ghoul away and run for a TD!!!
The Undeads obviously weren't pleased and decided to wreck vengeance. They badly hurt my thrower (I've gotta take better care of him) during my drive in the second half, and due to a failed pass to Nienna managed to get the ball lying next to a mummy, Nienna marked by a Ghoul in the Endzone.
One brave Lino dodged out, and helped another Lino pushing back a Ghoul. And now, brave Findecáno had to take action. Ran after the ball, picked it up in front of the clumsy mummy and dodged out. Real elf coaches don't get intimidated from making Long passes just because their thrower get sends away, so he passed to Nienna (who had just pushed the Ghoul back).
The ball sailed over the head of the Ghoul, and Nienna made the second TD.
I've complained about the crowds lack of appetite for proper Elf Ball, and this match was no exception. The fans got so infuriated that it took the rest of the 5 turns to stop the riot! The winnings were great, though I suspect that they just paid us to leave for good!
A very exiting game :)”