“Move ended for Nehar Blackhunter
Select an action for Nivlu Anvilsmith
Block selected.
4ft Under , Choose a block die.
Move ended for Nivlu Anvilsmith
Aylesbury is knocked over.
Player pushed to (14, 6)
(6, 5) + 0, (6, 5) + 0, 6: Aylesbury has been KILLED!!
Select an action for Nivlu Anvilsmith
Block selected.
4ft Under , Choose a block die.
Move ended for Nivlu Anvilsmith
Aylesbury is knocked over.
Player pushed to (14, 6)
(6, 5) + 0, (6, 5) + 0, 6: Aylesbury has been KILLED!!
Waiting for opponent to decide to use apothecary.
(1) Apothecary FAILS!”