CTV 2070k Khemri
Tomb Kings CTV 1800k
#9 Wadjkare – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#9 Wadjkare – Smashed Knee (NI)
#10 Philadelphus – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#11 Menkare – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#13 Epiphanes – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#13 Epiphanes – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Handicaps: Illegal Drugs (Semerkhet +Str), Bone Head (Sanda Simsek)
As the Kings kicked off to start the game, the weather stayed nice. The game started out nasty with 3 Skull Skulls and 2 Deaths in 2 turns. Both deaths regenerated. The two teams battled back and forth as the Kings started to get outnumbered due to KO's and other injuries. Frankfurt's thrower Sandra Simsek not failing many bone head rolls, ran down the field safely as there was no Kings able to stop her, except she stopped herself from scoring on turn 8, rolling 1,1 :) Half Ended 0-0...
As Frankfurt kicked off to start the 2nd half, they got the Ref. The Kings not a fouling team and no Dirty Player, had to foul back but all fouls were weak as its not their play style to foul. The Kings tried but failed to make it to the endzone and dropped the ball trying to dodge. Frankfurt picked up the ball and ran down the field with ease as they once again outnumbered the Kings. Frankfurt was reminded of their coaches Bio and they scored on turn 8 to win the game 1-0.
Thanks for game, good luck in further rounds.
Kings players Merikar & Anendjib got killed but regenerated, Not counting Badly Hurts, Kings Regen worked 33% of the ime (2/6).
Kings Thrower Ninetjer learned to throw accurately and Skeleton Epiphanes learned to kick.
Kings purchased their 5th team reroll. and fired Skeleton Wadjkare due to his niggling injury and no SPP in 5 games. ”