“MORDOR! All shall bow before MORDOR! Foolish oathbreakers do not realize that their true master lives in MORDOR! While the oathbreakers started off well, with 2 CAS in their first turn...after that, the Corsairs took control. A fireball hit all 4 mummies (nicely bunched up). 1 mummy was KOed...the other dropped...and soon a second was fouled out. More skeletons soon followed and the balance tilted heavily in the Corsairs favor. The first half ended 0-0, but a deeper bench meant that the Corsairs had an 11-9 advantage to start the second half and quickly it was 11-7...more boots back and forth and soon enough, the pitch was cleared of Shadow Host - the last three players removed were CAS for some additional points as well. A T16 score and it was game. 1-0.
Corsairs - 7 (win) + 2 (TD) + 3 (CAS) = 12 points
OathBreakers - 1 (loss) + 2 (CAS) = 3 points”