<Russo_PBI> damn it
<Russo_PBI> ultwe just T16'ed me in PBI
<Russo_PBI> :D
* Russo_PBI is now known as Russo
<Russo> :D
<Ultwe_pbi> Russo, you NUMPTY!!!!!
<Russo> hahah what?
<Ultwe_pbi> u left the game without clicking the turn counter
<Ultwe_pbi> !!!!!!!!!!
<Russo> did I ?
<Russo> LOL
<Russo> ok omw
<Russo> russo2
<Russo> swe3
<Ultwe_pbi> Foul selected.
<Ultwe_pbi> Brian McClair fouls EBV infectious mononucleosis. (4, 6) +3
<Ultwe_pbi> (1, 1) + 0, 0: EBV infectious mononucleosis has been stunned.
<Ultwe_pbi> IGMEOY Roll = 1
<Ultwe_pbi> Move ended for Brian McClair
<Ultwe_pbi> Red Devil Legends: All players have moved.
<Ultwe_pbi> Closing local sockets.
<Ultwe_pbi> proxy.fumbbl.com/
<Ultwe_pbi> Client re-trying connection...
<Ultwe_pbi> Socket[addr=proxy.fumbbl.com/,port=8083,localport=49956]
<Ultwe_pbi> Connected as client to game 'russo'.
<Ultwe_pbi> Waiting for server.
<Ultwe_pbi> no
<Ultwe_pbi> meet in admin channel
<Ultwe_pbi> otherwise the replay will be lost
<Ultwe_pbi> mind you, it will be anyway :-(
<Ultwe_pbi> ok
<Ultwe_pbi> see u in russo2
<Russo> replay?
<Ultwe_pbi> of the game
<Russo> Iwill skip the foulk and then you will be OK”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Now you know what NOT to do, I can carry on being the best player in PBI :D”