I was a little annoyed over the nonsense foul with your thrower at end of first half that resulted in my wasting the apoth on a dead dp. (also a drunken mistake)
With the apoth gone and your ko rolls so bad i decided just to control the game as much as possible collect some spps and not get any more injuries.
I did all that.
I guess I spoiled your game.
To make up for it I suggest during your next round pick one of my teams with no dp and we'll have a more elfbally type match, as when I've been drinking i guess i get mean.
No hard feelings and congrats on the well fourght draw and the completed cycle. I wish I had the love spuds to face every team once with fragile woodies.
I congratulate you sir.
EDIT If you replay the game you will see a number of stupid noobish mistakes that i can only attribute to being drunk and tired.
This in no way diminishes the feat of my opponent in his result this game.
You can only play against whats in front of you and he not only had terrible luck with the dice but had several chances to beat me whilst playing up in tr and ts and getting useless handicaps.
Sober I don't think i'd have taken the game and if i had i wouldn't have acted like a jerk.
I hope we play again soon.
I was a jerk, I apologise.
I was a little annoyed over the nonsense foul with your thrower at end of first half that resulted in my wasting the apoth on a dead dp. (also a drunken mistake)
With the apoth gone and your ko rolls so bad i decided just to control the game as much as possible collect some spps and not get any more injuries.
I did all that.
I guess I spoiled your game.
To make up for it I suggest during your next round pick one of my teams with no dp and we'll have a more elfbally type match, as when I've been drinking i guess i get mean.
No hard feelings and congrats on the well fourght draw and the completed cycle. I wish I had the love spuds to face every team once with fragile woodies.
I congratulate you sir.
EDIT If you replay the game you will see a number of stupid noobish mistakes that i can only attribute to being drunk and tired.
This in no way diminishes the feat of my opponent in his result this game.
You can only play against whats in front of you and he not only had terrible luck with the dice but had several chances to beat me whilst playing up in tr and ts and getting useless handicaps.
Sober I don't think i'd have taken the game and if i had i wouldn't have acted like a jerk.
I hope we play again soon.