#1 Rudi, Dark Avenger Avatar – Dead (RIP) #3 Dator, Karl S Troll Avatar – Dead (RIP) #7 Lucky Snap – Dead (RIP) #15 Cerebus, Biondi Avatar – Smashed Knee (NI)
“The sacred grounds are picked. A lovely spot for rotting flesh!
Hail to Lucky Snap who DIES for bloodbowl in the best way...ripped into a thousand pieces by the fans! Let all go home with a sovergnior of the vagabond king!
And to the Dark Avenger and Karl, executed in cold power! Thy reign of terror is complete. Cast into the void...return when called, brothers of death!
DeMaio "Savage beatings! The way bloodbowl is meant to be done! Let not sweat of thy brow...or blood upon the fist dry...to the next town...one more kill."
Hail to Lucky Snap who DIES for bloodbowl in the best way...ripped into a thousand pieces by the fans! Let all go home with a sovergnior of the vagabond king!
And to the Dark Avenger and Karl, executed in cold power! Thy reign of terror is complete. Cast into the void...return when called, brothers of death!
DeMaio "Savage beatings! The way bloodbowl is meant to be done! Let not sweat of thy brow...or blood upon the fist dry...to the next town...one more kill."
Death is life”