“A good game for the Stallions, where everything went to plan. Fortune also favoured us, as the Longbeards continually got frustating rubs of the dice.
2 players lost, in a season where money must be looked after was bad, magnified by the fact the next 'recovery' game has fallen through.
3 pts Murin II #3 frightenly strong troll slayer who is also a hardworker.
2 pts Mardin #5 game player who did his best to rally the troops and score, but it wasn't to be.
1 pt Balin #6 highly entertain player who entertained the crowd with this throws, runs and death. Splendid stuff, hope to see more of the same next game!
Premier next season? I don't think so. I predict I'll lose my last 3, so 1 more win in my next 2 is vital.”
“The Stalingrad's White Stallions Blitzers were out for blood, combining for their only reliable Guarder's on the pitch most plays involved them in some way, and Jump up and over-resilient av7 makes them a annoyance.
3pt - Vaniel Tanilev - This Blitzer couldnt leave well enough alone, throwing enough blocks to even rival our very own Murin II...
2pt - Alkor Torminlev - This Thrower wouldnt go down, he was almost pushed from one end to the other of the pitch in a very sucessful attempt to keep Murin II occupied.
1pt - Loliev Smitzer - Lineman with a heart of gold... Nothing says we love you like a TD and 4 Fouls... Damn Ref!
It was almost a draw... until it wasn't, GG to harvestmouse and dare i say, gl in the Premier next season!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
2 players lost, in a season where money must be looked after was bad, magnified by the fact the next 'recovery' game has fallen through.
3 pts Murin II #3 frightenly strong troll slayer who is also a hardworker.
2 pts Mardin #5 game player who did his best to rally the troops and score, but it wasn't to be.
1 pt Balin #6 highly entertain player who entertained the crowd with this throws, runs and death. Splendid stuff, hope to see more of the same next game!
Premier next season? I don't think so. I predict I'll lose my last 3, so 1 more win in my next 2 is vital.”