Nuffled first half for both players with numerous first blocks, dodges or any move ending in skulls or ones. The Wood Elves got a blitz as the first turn and SI'd a lino. Stupidly i apo'd him but 2 deaths later made me pay! Frustrating but still managed to stall for a score in both halves while i KO'd lots of elves who also didnt want to come back onto the field for most of the game.
A fairly sooky last turn foul by my opponent killed my basic thrower but i had funds in reserve to buy both players back and move on. Turn 16 fouls... gotta laugh at 'em!
3-0 for my rats so going strong so far. Never started skaven 3-0 before and more than 11 players in real life... so i am cowering at fear when it all starts to fall apart!
Nuffled first half for both players with numerous first blocks, dodges or any move ending in skulls or ones. The Wood Elves got a blitz as the first turn and SI'd a lino. Stupidly i apo'd him but 2 deaths later made me pay! Frustrating but still managed to stall for a score in both halves while i KO'd lots of elves who also didnt want to come back onto the field for most of the game.
A fairly sooky last turn foul by my opponent killed my basic thrower but i had funds in reserve to buy both players back and move on. Turn 16 fouls... gotta laugh at 'em!
3-0 for my rats so going strong so far. Never started skaven 3-0 before and more than 11 players in real life... so i am cowering at fear when it all starts to fall apart!