“Holy smoke, did I get my ass handed in this one. A proper bloodbath. Orcs are w e a k... don't let anyone tell you different. The only player I could keep from the Chaos side off the field was one the ref sent off! I had 5 (or was it 6?) in the dugout most of the 2nd half and one sent off for a foul.
What a mess. Somehow scraped the win cause the dominant chaos side couldn't pick the ball up too good.
I'm amazed I came out missing only two for the next game, it really was that brutal.
Thanks for the game - I need to lie down now .... :-o”
What a mess. Somehow scraped the win cause the dominant chaos side couldn't pick the ball up too good.
I'm amazed I came out missing only two for the next game, it really was that brutal.
Thanks for the game - I need to lie down now .... :-o”