“Big plays, tense moments, and for us a huge play to steal the win! One of those games that remind you why you love Blood Bowl (if you had forgotten for some reason).
Open play, big dodges, 1d hits working, gfis, it had all the skills really. We were just fortunate enough to have the last chance to play, but it could easily have swung the other way.
Great game Irgy, and great fun. The end will likely irk you, but you played a great game.
3pts: #5 Rob. Flesh Golem who had BOTH the CAS's, caused trouble in the middle all day, and even grabbed a loose ball to show his versatility.
2pts: #3 Mike. QB styled Wight who gets the job done. Scored the TD and almost saved the day at the death.
1pts: #11 Barney Rubble. New recruit from the Necromancer it seems...had little impact all day, but saved his best for last. A T16 blitz did everything it was supposed to to try and give his team a late chance. ”
“Quite a close and enjoyable game, and one that I learned a lot from (i.e. I played badly and now realise it).
First half both teams scored, in both cases nearly stumbling and losing control but recovering well.
Second half I was receiving, and tried to hold onto the ball and just walk it down the field. The game ended up very loose with small brawls spread all over the pitch. In hindsight, I should have tried to keep a tight cage, and overall I underestimated the humans' ability to pick up a loose ball and run away with it - they don't have the agility of elves or the speed of the fast teams, but they still get the job done.
In the end it still came right down to the wire. I had a chance for Mike to dodge away and pass to Cameron for the win, but I made the wrong choice. Rather than taking the shorter pass but harder 2tz catch, I opted to move the wolf and pass into the endzone. With catch on the werewolf and no pass on Mike, the odds were better for the shorter pass. More importantly, the shorter pass meant not taking the risky dodges tot he endzone until the ball was somewhere much safer. Sure enough, when Cameron failed his dodge I left a wide open chance for the humans to take the win, and took it they did.
All in all an enjoyable and educational game, even if the finish was frustrating.
3 Superstition - A great recovery to score the first td. Also taunted my wolves all game by setting up near the sideline.
2 Home Brew - Most of his game was spent marked by a zombie, and he failed a lot of bonehead rolls, but the one time I took my eye off him, Bam! Smacked my ball carrier right out of the park.
1 Pretty Young Thing - Both the sidestep catchers were a nuisance all game. This one in particular scored the winning touchdown. ”
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Open play, big dodges, 1d hits working, gfis, it had all the skills really. We were just fortunate enough to have the last chance to play, but it could easily have swung the other way.
Great game Irgy, and great fun. The end will likely irk you, but you played a great game.
3pts: #5 Rob. Flesh Golem who had BOTH the CAS's, caused trouble in the middle all day, and even grabbed a loose ball to show his versatility.
2pts: #3 Mike. QB styled Wight who gets the job done. Scored the TD and almost saved the day at the death.
1pts: #11 Barney Rubble. New recruit from the Necromancer it seems...had little impact all day, but saved his best for last. A T16 blitz did everything it was supposed to to try and give his team a late chance. ”