“Embaressment! After the Crowes stunning 1st victory in RD 1 there was a cocky mood about the locker room that was surely misplaced. The victory had attracted the attentions of Bloodweiser and they promptly signed the team on to a tenative contract. The coach begged management not to accept as it was too much too soon for this band of roughneck goats but everyone thought nothing could go wrong. Sure enough the Bloodweiser people filled the dug-out with their product and it wasn't long before most of the team was tanked up to it's eyeballs. Only Jealous Guy avoided the demon drink (and only because Lions had eaten an entire case himself) It was all too clear from the start. Morning Song tried to claim he was "hit by a rock" at the start of the first drive but we all know he just fell over drunk. Same for the hapless Mino (who could never handle his beer).."stunned" 1st turn and couldn't do one thing in the entire half except stand around bellowing drinking tunes and beltching the whole game. The few goats who came to their senses did what they could to stem the "Tides opening roll down the sideline but it was always going to be too hard for a bunch of hung-over idiots. Halftime 1-0 Tide. Second half was not much different. Opening line blocks failed, the QB forgot to go get the ball and the Mino kept singing. Disgusting!!! Final score 2-0 ! Thankfully everyone was so relaxed they didn't get hurt...small solace. Let's hope they can put their horns together at this weeks training and get it right for RD 3.”
“Well the tide is finally in. After a string of humiliating losses to Squishy sides the Boyz have come good. Some solid blocking play from Bork,Rork, Hork and Kork, backed up by the steroid abusing Blitzer Rushem saw the lads pound some serious goat. Alas the Tanked up goat boys were able to take the knocks and come back rolling, drunk that is, with not a single casualty inflicted by the Tide. Interestingly none was inflicted by the goats either, and probably for the same reason....
Towards the end of the second half Snots the Gobbo did his best to bring home some fresh goat for dinner but was to be denied as the paralytic goats decided they would just go for a little lie down......
The Tide showed they still could play tight and solid ball and dish out the Wacks and are fired up and ready to go Delf Hunting in Rd3”
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