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Match Result · Ranked division
Match recorded on 2009-03-19 17:24:03
CTV 2360k Chaos Chosen
Winnings 40k
No change Dedicated Fans
Casualties 5/1/1
Lizardmen CTV 2390k
30k Winnings
Fanfactor -1
0/0/1 Casualties
Player Performances
Player Performances

#10 The Seventh Fastest Lizard – Dead (RIP)
Nuffle had been good to the Lizards of Yumtum Mountain for a long time...too good.

The lizards checked the sign-up sheet and it looked like a killer chaos team with similar ratings wanted to play.

Coach WindexChugger went to the Darkillers' dungeon to off experienced coach Rafadavila a match. He saw "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," a beastman with block, tackle, claw, guard, and mighty blow. He was affectionatly called the Stunty Eater by fans.

Rafadavila had seen the Lizards' sign-up, and he too wanted a match. The pitch would soon have rivers of blood...lizard blood.

Heads or tails, heads or tails?! Finally, Coach WindexChugger chose tails...the coin flipped: heads. The Darkillers would recieve first.

The Lizards set up on the line per the norm: the Papa Lizard in the middle, with the two newest sauri along side. The four most experienced lizards held back, protecting their weaker brothers, the skinks.

Then the Darkillers came out of their dungeon onto the pitch. The newest saurus, the Fourth Biggest Lizard, gave a shudder upon seeing the Darkillers. Three of the Darkillers had mutated grotesquely, forming claws. One of these mutants lined up in front of the Fourth Biggest Lizard.

Cabezacubo Brian, a chaos warrior with both claws and razor sharp claws, lined up in front of the Fourth Biggest Lizard. Not only did Brian have claws and razor sharp claws, but he was skilled in knocking down two opponents at once. The Fourth Biggest Lizard gulped as the ball was kicked over his head into Darkillers territory.

The Fourth Biggest Lizard fell from an unexpected block, which came not from Brian, but from another chaos warrior to his side. The other Lizards on the line were tougher though, and they did not fall. Knowing he was the only one to be fouled, The Fourth Biggest Lizard was having no fun. As the beastman with spikey boots ran at him, he cringed. The boot struck, and struck hard. Blood splattered the pitch, the fans cheers; The Fourth Biggest Lizard was badly hurt. Coach WindexChugger starred down The Fourth Biggest Lizard, thinking that maybe he had faked injury to get off the pitch. The Fourth Biggest Lizard would be yelled at after the match, now more important things were going on.

The Lizards retaliated, blitzing down Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: only stunned. While he was in a decent spot to be fouled, Coach WindexChugger knew that today was not the day for a fouling match; the apothecary would have more wounds than usual due to all the claws the Darkillers had.

For the next few turns, the Lizards tried unsuccessfully to gain entry into the Darkillers cage. Brian had badly hurt a skink during a multi-block, and the Lizards were unable to get any of the Darkillers off the pitch. Soon, The Second Strongest Lizard, the Lizards' MA8 Frenzy saurus, was thrown into the crowd. He was strong, and was uninjured, though he was out for the drive.

Brian struck again, knocking down one saurus and BH'ing another. The Darkillers continued in their destruction, push more players into the crowd, knocking out and BH'ing more and more lizards. Soon, only 4 Lizards remained on the pitch.

With seconds on the clock, the Lizards made their final desperation move. The Fourth Angriest Lizard, a frenzied block, tackle, break tackle saurus, charged. He broke one tackle, dodged another (a very difficult move for a saurus.) There was now no one in between him and the ball carrier. He sprinted ahead, but in the final feet he stumbled! He stayed on his feet for a split second more, but then succumbed to gravity and fell on the pitch floor. (stupid snakes! Would have broken free the ball...maybe.)

The Darkillers laughed at the Lizards feeble attempt, and jumped over the line and into the endzone with a second left on the clock. The Lizards would have one play to score.

Lizards lined up, they had never scored a TD in one play, but this would be the time, they knew. The intended skink was pushed forward 5 feet, 5 feet more. Just two more pushes(one to position, the other to move the skink forward) and the skink would be able to run for the TD! With three assists, The Fourth Angriest Lizard hit a beastman(3 dice, with reroll.) Even so, all he managed was a knockdown when a pushback was required! Their hope was lost, they needed 5 more feet for a chance of glory. The buzzer sounded and the half was over.

The Lizards' dungeon was a sober place during the half time. Four Lizards, two being sauri, had been Badly Hurt during the first half. The Lizards' apothecary was still ready to be called on, though.

The Lizards marched back onto the field, setting up a meager line, hoping to spill some blood on the opening blocks. While the blocks showed no blood, the Lizards gained a small bit of revenge when they knocked out the Darkillers' troll in a foul.

But the Darkillers were coming on hard. The Lizards were forced into breaking out into the open. The ball carrier was given some protection from the oncoming stampede. Darkillers soon had broken through the line of defense and the ball was vulnerable. Before the Darkillers could make their move, however, the Lizards responded. They quickly formed a small cage around the ball carrier, who was standing right by the endzone line. The Darkillers squeezed, pinning the cage down. There was a hope though. Two of the Lizards' saurus in the cage had break tackle, and one had frenzy. If the plan worked, the Lizards would be able to jump onto the opposite side of the pitch, and stall out for the tie.

The blitz was set up. First block was a pushback, now the frenzied saurus needed a knockdown, but even after a retrying a block (reroll) the beastman stood standing. Knowing that their cage would be broken, the Lizards gave up and scored.

The game was tied, the Lizards were beaten up, and the Darkillers were recieving. Still, with only 4 turns to score, the Lizards had a hope.

They kicked and...Blitz! The ball was deep in Darkillers territory, and out of reach. Still, the Lizards sent two skinks back behind enemy lines. They dared not send more, with only 4 sauri, two of which were stuck on the line, they could not afford to have a good safety.

The Darkillers picked up the ball, but it was too deep to get any protection on the ball carrier. A skink jumped up from the ground and ran to the ball carrier. Another skink began dodging to blitz the ballcarrier...this could be the game! But no, the skinks stumbles on a dodge, and knocks himself out!

The Darkillers now have the protection they need around the ball carrier. It looks as though hope is slowly leaving the Lizards. But the Fourth Angriest Lizard manages to surprise a Darkillers' defense by dodging out, without needing to use his break tackle move. With his surprise, one time only move ready to go, the Fourth Angriest Lizard charge the ball carrier. He broke through on tackle, and knocked down the ball carrier. The ball popped out, next to the Fourth Angriest Lizard and a Darkillers' Beastman. Quickly, a skink ran at the ball, picked it up, ran as far as he could. Knowing that holding on the ball meant death and certain defeat, the skink threw the ball as far as he could! It was not out of reach, but with only two turns left and only a AG2 chaos warrior and a troll close by, there was hope.

Holding onto the ball meant death, but so did being in running distance of the ball. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee charged the skink, knocked him down. The skink did not get up; he was dead. The apothecary had already been used earlier in the half when Brian had seriously injured a saurus.

The -ag chaos warrior rushed at the ball, hoping to pick it up, but fell to the ground before the ball while sprinting. One turn left, and only one Darkillers player was in reach of the endzone. The Fourth Angriest Lizard broke the tackle, dodged once, and rushed the beastman. As if Nuffle wanted to even things out for causing the chaos warrior to fall the previous turn, The Fourth Angriest Lizard fell to the ground at the Beastmans feet.

With seconds on the clock, the Darkillers had one shot at this. The ball would have been thrown, rather far, and then ran and handed off to the beastman. A Beastman rushed to the ball, scooped it up, turned and threw. The ball sailed high, high, high, and then fell straight into another beastmans arms. A perfect throw.

The beastman caught the ball, and ran towards his fellow beastman. He handed off the ball, which was bobbled! The ball almost hit the ground, but the beastman reached for it a second time, and just in time he caught the ball (bloody rerolls.) The Beastman ran the ball in for the final touchdown in the final moments of the game.

While the Lizards felt as though they could have pulled out victory, or at least a draw, if things had gone slightly different, they knew that they were lucky to only show one death for the game. They knew Nuffle had blessed them in their previous few games. This game was a reminder that it was through his good graces that they had made it this far. Sacrifices were made after the game, thanking Nuffle that 6 of the 7 injuries dealt to the Lizards in the game had not been career ending (although, the doctor was called to make one of the six non-carrer ending.)

It was a fun, and bloody game Rafadavila. You definately outplayed me. I was very lucky at some moments, but I was forced all game to make crazy plays due to you neutralizing half my team.

Rematch anytime.

PS. Grats on Cabezacubo Brian not aging on his skill up. If only Nuffle would be so kind as to grant The Fourth Angriest Lizard the same courtesy on his next SPP. See you around.
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