“After the game, Chchumnk reported feeling a little muscle fatigue. It turns out, he'd caught a bad case of aging...there was no known cure. He hung his head as he sat as his locker, waiting to be called in to be told he was getting sacked.
"Not a chance!" coach Maysrill bellowed. "So long as you show up to play every game we'll have a spot for you. Just see though, there's a position change involved. You'll be playing the line. You're a rat, and you deserve to die like one! Take as many as you can down with you!"”
"Not a chance!" coach Maysrill bellowed. "So long as you show up to play every game we'll have a spot for you. Just see though, there's a position change involved. You'll be playing the line. You're a rat, and you deserve to die like one! Take as many as you can down with you!"”