“Todays match started in the sweltering summer heat. On the pitch were the 19 players of two decimated teams. Ten nimble unarmoured elves kicked off against 9 mean looking rats. Right after the whistle sounded John Travolta jumped his opponent and visciously attacked him. Only the good care of the elves's apothacary could prevent the poor elf from dying right there. The mayhem wasn;t over for the elves yet though as the skaven fans reared their ugly heads again and killed yet another opponent player. This time by a well aimed rock...
The rest of the match saw some fast running skaven scoring every now and than against ever thinning numbers of elves who themselves were dodging like there would be no tomorrow! Scruffy made a brilliant TD and prooved to be a good sport to play against as well!
Needless to say the fans loved this match as I do. And I will make sure to put this friendly coach on my friends list...”
#7 Bernard – Broken Ribs (MNG) #10 Francis – Broken Ribs (MNG) #10 Francis – Broken Neck (-AG) #5 Macey – Dead (RIP) #11 Quinn Living – Dead (RIP)
“The Prince's had taken a pounding in their last game and were now an elf down. They were asked to play by a coach who had recently taken a beating too and wanted a game with 2 soft teams so we could nurse our wounds and make some money back. Little did I know how mean those rats would be!
The good nature of this opponent also caused me to place the coach on my buddy list...... although after a game like this why I would do that is hard to figure out!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The rest of the match saw some fast running skaven scoring every now and than against ever thinning numbers of elves who themselves were dodging like there would be no tomorrow! Scruffy made a brilliant TD and prooved to be a good sport to play against as well!
Needless to say the fans loved this match as I do. And I will make sure to put this friendly coach on my friends list...”