A very lopsided game. The Bashers had awful luck, but also allowed multiple players to be pushed out of bounds (Frenzy and combination pushes) to leave them massively outnumbered. The first two turns were particularly disastrous with a two players pushed OOB (one RIP) and the Troll KO'd from a foul.
The Dwarves scored late in the half and the Bashers were unable to get a TTM reply thanks to a wide kick (this could have been possible still if the Bashers had fielded more players in the backfield).
In the second half, the Bashers started with the ball, but again found players pushed out of bounds and then a GFI with their Thrower was failed and the ball spilt free.
The Dwarves recovered the ball and tried to farm SPP (using a 5 SPP Lino to pass to a 14 SPP AG4 Runner to get two advances) but failed the pass, and then dropped the pass when the AG4 Runner tried to pass to the Longbeard (Runner could have scored) turning a certain 2-0 into a 1-0 result.
A very rough and unenjoyable game for my opponent who suffered all the casualties and was unable to do much all game at all. Luck was certainly on my side and adding my sideline play to the mix made it very hard for my opponent to compete.
The farming for SPPs was rewarded when the AG4 Runner on 14 SPP got the MVP and got another +AG.”
A very lopsided game. The Bashers had awful luck, but also allowed multiple players to be pushed out of bounds (Frenzy and combination pushes) to leave them massively outnumbered. The first two turns were particularly disastrous with a two players pushed OOB (one RIP) and the Troll KO'd from a foul.
The Dwarves scored late in the half and the Bashers were unable to get a TTM reply thanks to a wide kick (this could have been possible still if the Bashers had fielded more players in the backfield).
In the second half, the Bashers started with the ball, but again found players pushed out of bounds and then a GFI with their Thrower was failed and the ball spilt free.
The Dwarves recovered the ball and tried to farm SPP (using a 5 SPP Lino to pass to a 14 SPP AG4 Runner to get two advances) but failed the pass, and then dropped the pass when the AG4 Runner tried to pass to the Longbeard (Runner could have scored) turning a certain 2-0 into a 1-0 result.
A very rough and unenjoyable game for my opponent who suffered all the casualties and was unable to do much all game at all. Luck was certainly on my side and adding my sideline play to the mix made it very hard for my opponent to compete.
The farming for SPPs was rewarded when the AG4 Runner on 14 SPP got the MVP and got another +AG.”