CTV 1440k Goblin
Amazon CTV 1210k
#6 Poopz – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#6 Poopz – Smashed Knee (NI)
#7 Snitch – Dead (RIP)
#9 Snorty – Dead (RIP)
#12 Iðunn – Smashed Knee (NI)
#12 Iðunn – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#8 Hnoss – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
We start well, receiving and knocking over a rookie linewoman and fouling her out for a niggle which they decide not to apo. But they counter by KO'ing our block troll and things start to fall apart after that as they steal the ball and KILL a goblin (apo saves). We just about manage to stop them with a series of dodges and a good blitz to knock over their catcher who was about to score, who then manages to stun themselves dodging away, letting us pick up the ball with our AGI4 gobbo who runs upfield. Our av7 has managed to withstand the beat down fairly well, so we actually have enough gobbos on the pitch to screen the ball and hand it off to a rookie gobbo who runs within range of the endzone by turn 7. We've also KILLED one of their catchers with a both-down goblin block.. and their apo fails! They manage to dodge a blitzer through multiple tackle zones to get a 2d blitz on the ball carrier but can only push him back, and we're easily able to push her away and score. Our troll wakes up... but in their turn 8 they KO the other one and he stays sleepy for the 2nd half!
Still, there's just 8 vs 11 of us even if we have only one troll. Their knuckledustered blitzer immediately KILLS one of our gobbos on the LOS, followed by a blitz that niggles one of our SS/DTs. And on our first turn a failed dodge sees another gobbo KILLED! There goes our number advantage just like that! We do alright, at two points knocking the ball free, but with 2 more gobbos badly hurt and another KO'd we are soon almost powerless to stop them. We finally KO another girl to make it 5 of us vs 6 of them when they run in the equaliser on their last turn.
Good game InkRose though a costly one for us (yet again!)”