“The Perpetrators dispute Trog's Life's coaches version of events. Their fans are obviously well practiced hooligans, though we suspect the Trog's had in fact hired the services of a stone throwing assassin. It was only the tremendous toughness and vitality of Nhawt that enabled him to survive.
Our fans attempt to revenge themselves on our part clearly show their loyalty to our team. Unfortunately our fans are far more refined than the Trog's rabble, and their lack of practice in the arts of hooliganism saw their efforts fall short, but we appreciated them nonetheless.
However the most heinous part of Coach Mully's misleading diatribe was the suggestion that both teams' fans took part in the riot. This was clearly a ruse, nay a conspiracy between the Trog's and their fans in order to prevent from asserting our destined dominance over them and first catching and then overtaking their score after we sportingly gave them headstart.
In conclusion, it has become obvious to the Perpetrators that they must stoop to this level to compete with the other teams in this league. To this end, we wish to inform our fans that we will be giving away free autographed footballs from the Daemon R'Pahff if they attend our free of charge courses in hooliganism, and how to bring about the death of nations. We also have our scouts out scouring the prisons for a individual capable of teaching our players some of the "tricks of the trade".”
Our fans attempt to revenge themselves on our part clearly show their loyalty to our team. Unfortunately our fans are far more refined than the Trog's rabble, and their lack of practice in the arts of hooliganism saw their efforts fall short, but we appreciated them nonetheless.
However the most heinous part of Coach Mully's misleading diatribe was the suggestion that both teams' fans took part in the riot. This was clearly a ruse, nay a conspiracy between the Trog's and their fans in order to prevent from asserting our destined dominance over them and first catching and then overtaking their score after we sportingly gave them headstart.
In conclusion, it has become obvious to the Perpetrators that they must stoop to this level to compete with the other teams in this league. To this end, we wish to inform our fans that we will be giving away free autographed footballs from the Daemon R'Pahff if they attend our free of charge courses in hooliganism, and how to bring about the death of nations. We also have our scouts out scouring the prisons for a individual capable of teaching our players some of the "tricks of the trade".”