“A massive cherry pick. The Survivors used their apothecary to bring a niggler into the game, but still couldn't field 11 players.
After that it was carnage and the Survivors didn't survive!
A very good chain push on one Survivor drive got a player deep into scoring position and the Dwarves were unable to get a pow or skull/pow on two dice after using a RR on one of the 4 GFI to reach him.
It was great play by Meltyman to get that TD, but he was always going to struggle with so few to field, but the team was on a suicide mission.”
After that it was carnage and the Survivors didn't survive!
A very good chain push on one Survivor drive got a player deep into scoring position and the Dwarves were unable to get a pow or skull/pow on two dice after using a RR on one of the 4 GFI to reach him.
It was great play by Meltyman to get that TD, but he was always going to struggle with so few to field, but the team was on a suicide mission.”