“Our necros are up against hermano_p and his infamous Khemri Curiosetes (203 games played with an incredible 63% win rate). We've played them 4 times in the past (with skaven, undead, and gobbos twice), with a 2/1/1 record so far. Total cas caused in those 4 games... 40!! This is bound to be a bloody one!
They have only 3 mummies and 2 DPs, unusually enough, after some recent failed regens. By turn 3 we've taken 3 KOs and a BH (regenned) on our side vs a BH'd skelly, a SI on one of their DPs, and a BH on their rookie mummy (2d blocking our blodge flesh golem!) - no regens!
They have however run the ball right up one side in their thro-ra's hands and with our rerolls burnt failing to dodge blitz him we just can't get near him. He scores on turn 8 and we see a wight and a zombie wake up but our wolf fail twice. They have a skeleton who won't wake up either so we've 12 vs 9 for the 2nd half.
It takes us 3 turns to pick up the ball as we push forwards, slowly removing skeletons as we go, and isolating their mummies (their STR6 mummy spent the entire half blocking a lone zombie we fed it). We get in a couple fouls on their other mummy but can't hurt it at all since we haven't got a DP yet, eventually handing off to a 5SPP zombie to try and create one.. but he's blitzed over on turn 15 by their break tackling mummy who then picks up the ball! Fortunately we can knock him down and grab it to draw the game!
Good game hermano_p! Still looking for a mummy head for our trophy room!!”
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Always is grateful play against you,if in the end i go to Dublin, i´ll bring with me my khemris xD.